Next-generation indoor location tracking

Track movement in real time with 10-30 cm accuracy. For products that need quality location data. Powered by ultra-wideband (UWB).

100+ companies trust Eliko

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Location Tracking System for Building World-Class Products and Services


We promise reliable accuracy of 30 cm +/- 20 cm depending on the conditions. Line-of-sight between the tag and the anchors is not strictly needed but will enhance accuracy.

Eliko’s unique protocol enables to get up to 8x more data points with each localization compared to the market. Combined with machine learning and advanced filtering the system will deliver best-in-class results.

Learn more about the Eliko RTLS


real-time location tracking


Eliko RTLS provides unprecedented stability and reliability of even raw coordinate data. We have developed our core localisation software over the course of 10 years while piloting in real environments. Additionally, UWB itself has superior performance in multipath and reflections, penetrates obstacles and has no interference issues with other radio waves.

Learn more about the Eliko RTLS

Real-time location tracking

Track anything from  forklifts to high-speed sports. The location tracking system offers update rates of up to 75 Hz (times per second) and can power immersive applications.

Get instant notifications when things move too close, too far or to the wrong place. Configure your own rules using our API. The tracking system is also suited to situational awareness applications.

Learn more about the Eliko RTLS

Tailored to your needs

Flexibility is a key to building tracking solutions in complex environments. Eliko RTLS supports different accuracy levels, refresh rates, communication modes and integration requirements. You can seamlessly combine different requirements in the same tracking area.

Eliko’s hardware is designed in-house and optimised for best UWB radio propagation. The superior range will bring down the system and installation costs for our customers.

Learn more about the Eliko RTLS

In-depth information about Eliko location tracking

Want a deeper look into the tech?

eliko location tracking
eliko location tracking
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We studied several real-time tracking systems with different technologies and, in the end, we decided to implement the UWB location tracking technology from Eliko. For us, it had the best location tracking results, the easiest configuration and the best cost-efficiency ratio.

Tiago Moura
Digitalisation Engineer at Bosch Thermotechnology

Eliko were a pleasure to work with. They were proactively supportive and always conscious of our needs. Their responsiveness despite the time zone difference of their headquarters made a huge difference in our ability to painlessly implement their technology. Their product is exceptional, but their commitment to supporting our work was what really allowed our experiences to shine.

Future Colossal
Dominic Portera
Creative Technologist

We did tests with Eliko’s indoor positioning system and compared it with other similar solutions on the market. Based on our test results we are confident in recommending the two-way ranging based Eliko RTLS location tracking solution as a robust UWB solution.

Hitesh Jani
Delivery Manager at eInfochips Inc

Our main challenge before using the ultra-wideband tracking system was tracking in darkness to project the lighting precisely on the dancer. The infrared systems for artists on stage can easily get confused when we need to track more than one target, so we were searching for something not visual or infrared. We liked that Eliko’s UWB-based location tracking technology had a very high refresh rate and was very accurate.

Eric Brucker
Curtis R. Priem Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC)

The UWB system that actually works

No hype, just results. Delivering on our promise on accuracy and reliability has earned us the trust of more than 200 product and service companies worldwide. They all need quality and reliability that only a system with 10+ years in development can offer.

If you are machine builder, software provider, immersive show designer or manufacturing operations needing more transparency in processes – we’re the building block that will make your idea a reality.



We put the core positioning technology first to provide you with reliable low-latency location data for your applications.


Our hardware is highly optimised, which means you need up to half the hardware typically required to set up the infrastructure.


Our flexible technology and agile team enable you to pilot quickly and configure the system to your application needs.


We guarantee full lifecycle support from solution consultation, network design and installation to maintenance.


We are the UWB innovators. We dare to be different with 10+ of experience with UWB RTLS.


We grow alongside our partners and customers and continuously innovate to stay at the forefront of technological solutions.

Frequently asked questions

What are anchors?

Anchors are static reference devices that are placed around the tracking area. Anchors are installed on the walls, ceiling or other support structures. They enable you to measure the distance from a tag to calculate its location coordinates.

How many anchors do I need to cover the tracking area?

In general, for 2D positioning, the minimum number of anchors needed is 3. However, we recommend 4 anchors for additional reliability. For 3D positioning, at least 6 anchors are required.

With 4 anchors you can cover about 50×50 m (~2500 m2) in ideal conditions. Ideal conditions almost never occur in real-life. For industrial applications on average 4 anchors can cover 500-1000 m2. So a grid of between 20×20 and 35×35 is common.

The number of anchors you need to cover the tracking area heavily depends on the environment and the use case. The environment means how many obstacles are in the area for radio performance. The use case determines the required coordinate accuracy & reliability. Providing check-point tracking requires much less anchors compared to safety applications.

Contact us to discuss your use case and get a preliminary quote

How does the UWB technology work?

Like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, ultra-wideband (UWB) is a short-range, wireless communication protocol that operates through radio waves. But unlike its counterparts, it operates at very high frequencies — a broad spectrum of GHz frequencies — and can be used to capture highly accurate data.

For a deep dive into UWB and why it’s great for positioning, read our blog post – The Story Behind Ultra-Wideband Technology and Indoor Positioning

What information can be collected with the system?

You can choose between several data output formats depending on what information is required. For example, you can request information about coordinates, distance, battery status and timestamps. Ask for more features and options for your particular case from our sales team at

Is it possible to integrate third party software with Eliko RTLS software and collect coordinates / location information from you system?

Eliko is ideally suited to integrate with OEMs and product companies to provide location-data powered products for different markets. We have multiple API options, a flexible pricing model and we value long-term partnerships.

Contact us to discuss in more detail.

Shaping the future

Eliko is shaping the future by developing next-generation positioning networks for digital solutions that depend on location data.

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