
Press Release: Eliko announces joining Ericsson Industry 4.0 Partner program

Eliko joins Ericsson Industry 4.0 partner program
Eliko, the industrial real-time location technology (RTLS) provider, is part of Ericsson’s Industry 4.0 partner program. Eliko delivers value to industrial customers by fuelling their digital transformation with the most reliable location data for increased productivity and transparency.

Eliko’s CEO Indrek Ruiso stated that Eliko is delighted to partner with Ericsson for this Industry 4.0 initiative. “Ericsson’s Industry 4.0 partner program is the perfect opportunity to introduce our robust real-time tracking technology to a range of new organisations,” he said. “Adopting cellular connectivity solutions based on Ericsson dedicated networks allows Eliko to offer industrial customers a solution that increases productivity,” said Thomas Noren, Head of Dedicated Networks at Ericsson. “By becoming a member of the Ericsson Industry 4.0 partner program, Eliko is ready to play a pivotal role in improving business outcomes for customers.”

Indrek Ruiso added that they see a growing number of manufacturers around the world benefitting from technologies like Eliko’s KIO RTLS. “Factories and warehouses are like beehives of people and machinery,” he explained, “with hundreds or thousands of moving parts. It’s much easier to see where you can save time and improve safety in such a collaborative system if you can finally take off your blindfold and get a real-time overview of their location and movements.” The Ericsson Industry 4.0 Partner program is a vehicle for solution providers who offer their technologies as part of the Industry 4.0 ecosystem. This program sets the standard for recognising a partner’s investment in the necessary tools and processes to provide a high return on investment for industrial customers using cellular connectivity as the foundation for Industry 4.0 initiatives.

Purpose-built for industrial environments, Ericsson Industry Connect is a wireless cellular network that provides secure, reliable coverage, high device density and predictable latency. Leveraging this connectivity solution, enterprises can gain full visibility of machines, processes and data, using 4G/LTE with a clear path to 5G.  The solutions enable the integration of diverse devices across a range of applications for industry enterprises.

Indrek Ruiso explained that while the cellular network is capable of triangulating the position of a device to within an accuracy of 5-10 metres, many use cases require higher accuracy – and that’s where Eliko’s solution fills the gap.

“Adding a UWB network over cellular communication enables companies to pinpoint assets, vehicles and people to within centimetres. Eliko’s solution is capable of locating assets to within an accuracy of 5-30 centimetres depending on the system set-up and environment,”

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Written by

Liisa Parv